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This website showcases the work and writings of Dr. Brij Mohan, Dean Emeritus of the School of Social Work at Louisiana State University. Dr. Mohan, usually accorded the epithet of “Sartre of Social Work”, is often termed a “social work philosopher”, and lauded as “a journeyman, a philosopher, and a prolific and profound force in the coial work world whose work literally bridges the late twentieth and twenty-first centuries”. (Dr. Priscilla D. Allen, School of Social Work, LSU)

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“Unique in these sorts of analyses, Mohan asks for the consideration of elements outside of the ambience of social work but with a humane and humanistic commitment.” -- William M. Epstein, Professor, Social Work, University of Nevada   Death of an Elephant is an allegory of existence. Pran Dubey, a professor failed by avowed social institutions, is a conflicted man torn apart by his strife and Diaspora neurosis in the ambiguities of past and present, tradition and modernity, and life and death.   “Mohan has provided an antidote to the embedded romanticism of patronizing efforts to save the poor from themselves. Remarkably, this book is argued with a credible, erudite humanism and a pervasive decency” -- William M. Epstein, Professor, UNLV   This volume examines developmentality and the archeology of its social practices, unfolding systemic failures that muffle progress. Economic, climate, and social justice are the areas of focus for this analysis of human-social development.
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Dr. Brij Mohan, Dean Emeritus
School of Social Work
Louisiana State University | Baton Rouge, LA | brijmohan128@gmail.com | swmoha@lsu.edu
Copyright © 2018 Brij Mohan