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Global Frontiers of Social Development in Theory and Practice: Climate, Economy, and Justice
Brij Mohun, Editor

Global Frontiers of Social Development in Theory and Practice   This volume explodes myths about social welfare and development and offers a critical interface between “comparative social welfare” and “new social development.” Brij Mohan has assembled a leading group of scholars and educators to reflect on climate change, economics, and social justice and together unfold the dynamics and dialectics at the variegated nexus of human-social development.

In his own chapters, Mohan draws on a life's experience as a dedicated social work pioneer. His findings explore new dimensions of social practice, which enhance its relevance in a globalized culture that breeds social meltdowns, economic inequality, and global injustice.

Available in hard cover and Kindle editions from Amazon

Construction of Social Psychology
Brij Mohun, Editor

Construction of Social Psychology   Due out this year from InScience Press.


Brij Mohan was commissioned to serve as the founding editor-in-chief of Environment and Social Psychology, an international journal to be published by Whioce Publishing, Singapore.

Environment and Social Psychology   The main purpose of this journal is to explore the nexus of environment and the human condition, which promotes environmental consciousness and behaviors that are crucial for sustainable progress and human development.

With an interdisciplinary approach, synthesizing theory, research and practice, we seek to:
  • Examine the possibilities of human and social development as a credible paradign for scientific inquiry and dialogue that promote world peace, prosperity and progress in a dangerously complex world.
  • Transcend dualities and contradictions of contemporary ideologies and methods toward a unifying framework for enduring social psychological research.
  • Promote scholarly pursuits for the advancement of knowledge in search of empirical evidence and truth, which support environment justice as a viable paradigm conducive to human-social development.
  • Unravel social psychological barriers -- beliefs, attitudes, stereotypes, prejudices, habits, and politico-cultural practices -- that thwart quality education and learning beyond the contemporary dogmas of behavioral schools.
  • Interface pathways to understand and resolve contemporary nihilism that incubates psychopathologies of self-destructive addictions -- sexual abuse, substance and drugs, interpersonal violence, and anomic dysfunctions -- and breeds mayhem, mass murders and terror.